Shortly after dark, as usual, I arose
Jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes
Went into the kitchen to start the coffee maker
Looked out the window at my half-acre
The mirror on the wall reflected the mellow tableau
As I walked into my back yard with a steaming cup of joe
Parked my carcass in my old easy chair
Enjoying the breeze in the cool night air
I sat at my ease in the starry night
Yet something didn't sit quite right
The night was with perplexity fraught
I meant to sit and give it some thought
And here is an inkling of what I was thinking
I meant to sit and give it some thought
And here is an inkling of what I was thinking
And what I was thinking not
Sitting, thinking, coffee drinking
Questions asked, answers sought
I picked up my phone and placed a call
To the flower-stall at the mall
They sent me a rose for Daisy straightaway
By messenger, clad in livery silver and gray
And Daisy came out of the house, as I’d hoped she would
And taking one look at me, she froze where she stood
Reflecting me, mirroring my pose
As, arm outstretched, she offered me a rose
The jewelled sky with colored gems bedecked
Reflects the selfsame sapphire sky with diamonds flecked
And Daisy and I with our mirrored flowers
Stir up long-sleeping dormant powers
As our glances with the stars connect
And all our souls our lives and journeys recollect
And Daisy thrills to a little ancient pizzazz
While I go for the razzle-dazzle and all that razzamatazz
The jewelled sky with colored gems bedecked
Reflects the selfsame sapphire sky with diamonds flecked
And Daisy and I with our mirrored flowers
Stir up long-sleeping dormant powers
As our glances with the stars connect
And all our souls our lives and journeys recollect
And Daisy thrills to a little ancient pizzazz
While I go for the razzle-dazzle and all that razzamatazz
Dear Steve, Funny that I came across your poems and this blogspot... I would have known your writings anywhere... and it's nice to see more of your beautiful poetry. I like the poet pic a lot and, of course, I love the water pic of our beautiful park. Such happy memories flooded back when you spoke of it in your reply to a comment on it. I think of you more than you know. Much love till we meet again, Your Sis xoxo